Monday, July 21, 2014

Where has the summer gone???!!!???

This past week, in franklin county the fair was held! The fair was very successful and fun for all ages. The fair entries were anything but typical and they all had their own abstract feel. Especially the entries entered from the 4-H kids. It amazes me how kids do one thing best. That one thing is artistic expression. Through art, bracelets, and photographs all the way to knitting and extension chord making. 
The sky was not the limit, the kids had no limit on their artistic expression. For that fact is one that I can truly appreciate. This summer has been filled with unparalleled life experience and growth. I have had many great experiences that I am grateful for. From being able to reach children, teach, promote self growth and self confidence in the teens, to being able to professionally develop and personally grow. I appreciate it all. It is a bitter sweet moment that the summer is coming to an end but its never really the end of the book just a comma in a sentence. I have had a ball at teen conference, pottery making, going out with the Ag agent, doing my special project, canoeing, and most of all exploring Kentucky and its hidden fun.
The 4-H program gives so much to the community and has such a big impact on the children. 4-H is all about creating new experiences and I can truly say that under the lead of Ms.Whitney D. McKoy that goal is being met. I look forward to working in extension again! I would recommend anyone to do the same!!
-Lauren White, Franklin County 4-H Intern

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