Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer is Flying By!

The last two weeks have been very busy and interesting. We had a major water leak at the office but it did not keep me from working with the Fine Arts Agent to plan a local music festival and working with the 4-H Agent to plan a fishing derby. Both of these events were on the same day and same location, Greenbo State Park, so it made for my busiest day in extension yet!

The fishing derby was geared toward 4-H kids but was also open to the public. We had 4 age groups comprising of 3 different contests (largest fishing, most fish, and a casting contest). We were able to get a lot of the prizes donated from local bait shops and hamburger for lunch was donated by a local meat processing facility. We had a great turnout with 30 kids coming and participating. Every kid left there that day with one prize no matter how many fish they caught. Some of the prizes that were given away were fishing poles, tackle boxes, coolers, etc. The 4-H Agent and I also grilled out hamburgers and hotdogs for all participates and their families. It was a great time and the 4-H is planning on making this event an every year thing.

This was the first time this summer that I was able to work with the Fine Arts Agent and the Greenup County Fine Arts Council. I will be the first person to admit that I was totally out of my comfort zone because all I know about music is what radio stations and artists I like. I was able to learn a lot about their planning process and even meet a few of the artist performing. The concert series is free and there will be 2 more concerts this summer. The recent concert featured local artists from the Greenup/Ashland/Huntington area. We had an astonishing 500 people come out to the concert, Anne said this was the largest concert they have ever had. However a lot of the credit for the concerts success goes to Anne as she has done a ton of adverting for this event. I look forward to working the next concert the first of August, which will be a blue grass concert.

The rest of the summer looks just as busy as the first part with another concert, diabetes cooking classes, farmers market appreciation day, and of course county fair prep coming up. 

Corey Billups
ANR Intern
Greenup County

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