Monday, July 14, 2014

4-H Teen Conference, weeks 5 & 6


      We kicked off my 5th week in Extension by going to 4-H Teen Conference. Our journey started with five 4-H'ers to Lexington Monday morning, and we left with five 4-H'ers Thursday afternoon, with a sigh of relief from not losing any delegates on UK's campus. I believe all of our teens had a unforgettable experience, and met many new friends along the way. I had a great time catching up with the other interns and agents throughout the week and meeting all the delegates from across the state. I had no clue how to even sew on a button let alone make a sock monkey at the beginning of conference but I quickly learned at our sock money mania track where "Wade" was created. Also, I received a great lesson plan that I hope to use someday from the all about peeps workshop. Our delegates talked me into joining them in the messy games workshop, which was interesting but mostly messy, very messy.

      It was back to work after we returned to the Office Thursday. Our 4-H Dog Club met to prepare for state fair obedience and agility. 4-H Puppy Pals was one of the fist project clubs I ever joined so I really enjoy helping out. We were very successful with one puppy in particular. This Chihuahua was terrified of everything, including heights and dark spaces. After much patients and treats she went though the small barrow, then she conquered the large tunnel and then a few jumps. My dog Dixie and I were exhausted after a long day of agility training.

      The next day I helped Mrs. Lynnette Allen and the homemakers set up the concessions for Relay for Life later that night and prepared for the long week ahead of camp planning. Monday started out with our regular Staff meeting and visit with Dr. Kenneth Jones. And ended with our first year camper meeting. It was great to see how excited, anxious and nervous all the new campers were. We played a few ice breakers to get rid of the nerves and learned about West KY 4-H Camp. The next day was our fair workshop up cycling. The kids made jewelry, home decor, and key chains our of old chain, barn wood, bullets, and shotgun shells. The day ended with our last campers meeting a Rabbit Club meeting to make some final touches on County fair planning. Wednesday,we met with Jr. Master Gardener and learned about "tops, middles, and bottoms" of all the different plants in our gardens.

After Jr. Master gardener was ALL DAY ham washing day, which was not my favorite day. I pretty sure I had salt in every cut scrape and pore on my body and I smelled ham for a week straight. I believe it is safe to say I could live with out washing another ham again.

Along with the clubs I've mentioned and the Bug Club and BARC program we were preparing for Camp. Making sure we had the right campers in the cabins, name tags and shirts& accessories picked up and all of our campers ready for a great week ahead.
Woodworking workshop!
BARC Program!
My first Go Kart Race,Teen Conference!

Sweep nets for Bug Club!

Tammy Curry
Breckinridge County, 4-H 

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