Friday, June 21, 2013

Busy Beyond Belief!

The past two weeks have shown me the true side of being in Extension.  The first few weeks of my internship were a little slow getting adjusted and all, but now it is extremely busy.  I have played secretary for a day, set in meetings, been to 4-H conference, helped with shooting sports, and successfully completed Cloverbud Day Camp.
            Over the past two weeks I have worked on and helped with so many things my head is constantly spinning from the excitement.  Whether it was with helping with the Bracken County Shooting Sports Invitational or preparing for day camp, I had a great time helping the kids have fun and be able to display their talent.  Cloverbud Day Camp was something I was a little nervous about being that I was helping with 5-7 year olds.  After the two days were up it was a successful event and everyone had a great time.  I was especially proud of all the crafts turning out the way they did after I took the time to plan and prepare- definitely rewarding. 

            Another first for me was attending 4-H Teen Conference.  Although I was only there one day, it was nice to be able to sit in on a workshop and get a feel of what the kids were getting to experience.  The only bad part of the day was helping Mrs. Rebecca Neltner carry stuff back to the car to leave and falling down the steps outside of White Hall. Luckily, no one was seriously injured.
            As this week winds down I have developed a date for a cooking camp and planned a date for my junior show committee to meet to help clean out the barn and prepare for the 12th Annual Bracken County Showmanship Show that will be held on July 14th.

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