Monday, June 2, 2014

Back At It!

This summer I have returned to Robertson County as an intern. I had a wonderful summer last year in Robertson County interning with Shannon Farrell in 4-H and Ag. This summer I am spending most of my time with the other agent, Terry Whalen in 4-H and FCS. However since Shannon is on maternity leave I am filling in a lot for her. I started this summer on May 12th.  I have had a good and busy first two weeks. I have enjoyed getting reacquainted with the office and the county. The first week was exciting as we had our 4-H fashion review. We always have the fashion review at the nursing home in Robertson County. The residents really enjoy watching the girls model the items that they have made. Our participants also usually dance to entertain the residents of the nursing home. It was a big hit.

I attended a homemaker lesson about herbs. We were taught by the Mason County FCS and Horticulture agent. They discussed both how to grow and how to cook with herbs. I found it to be a very interesting lesson.

I assisted Terry with a program at the nursing home. She goes to the nursing home once a month and does a program with some of the residents. This month she talked for a few minutes and had the residents make beaded bracelets. The residents really enjoyed Terry coming and enjoy the activities that she does with them.

To end the week last week, I attended the farmers market. Robertson County has their farmers market at Blue Licks State Park. They normally have quite a few people who attend. So far things have been going well and I look forward to what the summer has in store.

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