Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 7 and 8!

The past two weeks I worked I have been very busy in the office.

Week 7, 

I worked on my project of writing a new lesson over the book Green Eggs and Ham for the LEAP curriculum. This book was more difficult to write a lesson over compared to the first two I wrote. The first two were easy for me because I incorporated nutrition facts into the lessons. Being a dietetics major that was much simpler than thinking how to write a lesson over getting picky eaters to try new things. My favorite part of writing the lessons were coming up with different recipes for each facilitators guide as well as the take home newsletter for the parents.

I have also been busy tallying up the number of Plate It Up! Recipe cards that will be ordered for counties throughout the state. There was definitely a difference in the number of recipes each county wanted. It was easy to tell which recipes were the favorites. 

The extension year was coming to an end so many assistants were sending in reimbursement receipts. I helped tape, scan, and file reimbursement forms.

Week 8

I used nutrition analysis software to find out the nutrition facts for recipes that I used in my lessons for my project for LEAP. 

Pam Sigler, an extension specialist brought 13 different types of red cabbage from the UK research farm. We filled out a survey based on appearance, texture, and taste. For each cabbage we tried three preparation methods: steamed, roasted and raw cabbage.  Some of them tasted normal while others had a dirt flavor. I never knew that cabbage could vary so much! By participating in the tasting it helps researchers figure out which type farmers should grow throughout the state.

During week 8, I also helped prepare for a meeting. I made the name card holders of old spools of thread, typed up name cards with UK logo, stuffed folders, and gathered up other materials needed such as a flip chart and markers. I attended the first Legacy Fund committee meeting and recorded the notes for the meeting that were later on emailed to the committee members. I had the opportunity to hear stories from retired as well as current FCS agents on how they got involved with extension.

A few people throughout the office  has been working together on finishing the SNAP-Ed budget for 2014. I helped calculate the numbers and update the older versions of the budget. I never knew it took so long to write a budget. This definitely was an experience for me. 

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