Friday, July 19, 2013

These past two weeks haven’t been as busy as my other ones. So I am getting to breathe a little bit more. Last week I went with my Agriculture agent to visit farmers again, which by the way I really like. I enjoy being able to get out of the office and meet new farmers and build a relationship with them. It very nice to be able to help them with the problems they think they may have.

Edmonton is the home of the Kentucky Blueberry Association. Earlier this summer I was able to visit with some of our blueberry farmers. Well now I have had the chance to work with the blueberry association for a few hours. My agent and I went there because they were finding worms in some of the blueberries. We did a worm test, which consist of ¼ cup of salt, 4 cup of water and a few hand full of blueberries smashed. The worms were so tiny that it was hard to see them. But come to find out all it was, was the common fruit fly worm so nothing to worry about. The reason these blueberries had worms is because the farm from which they came from was an organic farm.

This week I once again worked on my summer project, fitting and showing with some of our 4-H youth. I helped one little boy clip his goat and sheep so we could take them to the Wildness District Lamb and Goat show yesterday at London Kentucky. I am proud to say that all my hard work and the little boys’ hard work paid off. He was one proud little boy yesterday. He won his showmanship class and weight class with his goat. He might have not done so well with his sheep but for a seven year old two fifth places isn’t bad at all. Yes I know he is a novice but learning at a young age the ins and outs of showing will make it hard to beat when he gets older.  I still have two more kids that I have been working with to show next weekend at the Livestock Expo in Bowling Green and I hope they do just as good.

During my project I have been working with 4 novice youth and one ten year old. I wanted to really focus on the young youth because they are the ones who are just getting started in the “Show World”. I hope after this summer is over they have learnt a lot and will use it in the years to come.

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