Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Community is Everything

Yesterday, my agent and I had our interview about the summer and the extension internship. She asked me a question that, until that moment, I hadn't really considered. She asked me what I thought was the most positive part of my experience, the most impactful moment if you will. After thinking about this for a moment, I realized that the part of extension I have loved most was not a single moment or isolated event that I can point out. Rather, it is the community of people that we serve every day that has made this experience worth while. Over the course of this summer, I have built many new relationships with people that have some of the most pure hearts I have ever seen.

I have often heard people in big cities refer to how rude individuals can be to one another. They walk on the street and look you dead in the eye, but never give a friendly smile or nod of the head to acknowledge your existence. They bump into you without saying "excuse me" or "sorry". They don''t help you unless there is something in it for themselves.But, I can honestly say that I have never experienced this in all my time in Shelby County. The people of this community go out of their way to support one another and lend a helping hand.

When I first began my intern project, I incorporated some physical fitness opportunities over the course of the program so that participants could take advantage of some free, fun fitness. Although I didn't have as many participants as I would have liked, there was one particular experience that will always stick with me. Brenda Phillips, a member of the community and president of the Homemakers Club, drove into town to join me on a scheduled walking day. She was the only person to come out that day and, as she hurried out of her car, she began to tell me of how her husband questioned why she would drive all the way into town simply to go walking. She said she told him that it was my project and she needed to come to support me. That moment touched me in ways I cannot explain. Brenda had only known me for a couple of weeks at that point, but she made it her job to show me that I had her support.  

This type of concern and love for one another is something I have continuously seen demonstrated throughout my time at Shelby County. No matter whether it is a simple hello or the attendance at a program, the people of this community do a lot to hold each other up. Witnessing this has has to have been my most memorable experience this summer.

--Kameron White

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet, Kameron! Glad to hear you are having such a positive time with your internship. I am quickly realizing similar trends here in Pikeville. Enjoy the rest of your internship!
