Thursday, June 23, 2016

Intern Project Update !

Hello Everybody!

This is an update on my intern project. I will be working with Father's Love to help middle school aged children with their manners. I got this idea because I thought about all the summer programs I did when I was younger. My mother always had my brother and I in different activities from cake decorating, coding camps, and even manners courses. Some children have never been in a fine dining setting and they do not know the rules of table etiquette. But, I am not just focusing on table manners, but technology etiquette, and business etiquette. These small tools for success can help a child know what future business partners, employers, and colleges look for in growing young adults. I will also be adding a nutrition section within the program as well. On the first day, the children will be learning all etiquette rules and guides, and on the second day we will be cooking and having a formal brunch to use those skills. While cooking, the kids will be learning about different nutritional things to help expand their knowledge. I am very excited about my program, and many details are still under development. I am excited about this teaching experience, and I hope all goes well.

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