Thursday, July 16, 2015

First Program By Myself!

Yesterday, was wonderful. I conducted my first program by myself. In Sheila's words, I was like "a little bird who has grown wings and flown away." lol I knew the perks of being an extension agent but the class that I taught yesterday made me look at becoming an extension agent in a whole new light. Being an extension agent is more then just informing the community of previously researched materials but as an extension agent you are also making an imprint on the people you work with and forming relationships that could last a lifetime. Being an extension agent is so rewarding! 

As part of my summer project, I have decided to do a 3-week program that will consist of 2 topics; exercise and cooking healthy easy entrees in the kitchen for a middle/ high school aged student. Yesterday was the start of the program, "Get Healthy Challenge". We made pre and post workout snacks. I prepared binders for them that consisted of multiple pre and post workout snack recipes, motivation quotes to workout when they don't feel like it, Over 50 reasons for why they should workout, different free exercise opportunities in the community coming up, sample workout plans they could follow at home, commercial break workouts. They have been challenged to workout and tally it every time they do. At our next class we will be seeing who exercised the most and that person will receive a prize. Kids like prizes! & food! 

I have added a little footage for you guys to see how fun my class was. 

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