Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wet Shoes and Smiles

In April at the orientation for extension internship, we received a package of goodies to help us through our experience. There was a highlighter, Sour Patch candy, rubber band, and more. However, the items I really need to help “survive” the internship were not included. What items am I referring to? Endless amounts of sweet tea, a rain jacket, multiple pairs of dry shoes and socks, and enough snacks to make a meal. Here is why: On June first, two agents, one program assistant, and I left Clark County with over two hundred campers, teen and adult counselors heading to North Central 4-H Camp. This was my first time ever to go to 4-H camp and let’s just say it was an experience. For the first two days, rain, rain, and more rain made its unwelcoming appearance. Even though on the third day the sun decided to join us at camp, this was the hardest day of the week and since everything was wet, teaching how to start a fire to the JCIT’s was challenging. There were more challenging events but let’s not dwell on those. Dreading the last full day of camp, I woke up the fourth morning expecting for the day to be miserable and long. Thank goodness I was wrong! This was the best day at camp by far. Not one drop of rain, not even a cloud in the sky, and the temperature was actually warm enough to jump in the pool with my cabin! My day consisted of outdoor cooking with Ms. Julie, an awesome volunteer, going on a mini fishing trip, making an all-natural selfie stick, a very creative talent show, a few Sallies Down the Alley, and of course the lighting of the clover. Friday came and even though I was just starting to actually enjoy myself, it was time to head home. But before I left, two of my JCIT’s from the class I helped lead took me by surprised when the hugged me and said I was the best teacher they had ever had. Was I probably the best teacher, no. Did I take the compliment and tear up just a little, yes! That weekend, I went home to unpack, wash laundry, and repack again because on Monday morning the big blue van was heading out again but this time we were heading west. Welcome to 4-H Teen Conference held at the University of Kentucky. In high school, going to teen conference was my favorite summer activity. This was a chance to spend four days with friends I had made from across the state. Even though I was older and knew less delegates, I still spent time with old friends who I shared a few laughs with. I could go through day by day to say my highs and lows, instead I will just tell you the greatest moment of the week. Sitting in the audience Wednesday evening at the 2015 Fashion Revue with my friends and family from home, we experienced a “Triple Crown” for Clark County! In 2012, I won the 4-H State Fashion Revue. In 2014, Cameron Ginter of Clark County won as well. All year, our sewing volunteer and second mother said this year she wanted a Triple Crown. Well, Ms. Julie’s wish came true as Abby Rank from Clark County took home the roses… aka a brand new sewing machine when she won the 2015 State Fashion Revue. Having the opportunity to be at conference to see Abby win was amazing. The past two weeks have been long and hard. Not enough sweet tea from McDonalds was consumed and most of the time my socks and shoes were wet. However, the hugs and smiles from all of the youth I was around made the experiences worth it!

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