Thursday, June 25, 2015

Catching Up!

Wow! The past few weeks have been crazy but a blast! I am slightly behind on my blogs so I am going to try to catch you up on all of the fun we have been having!
The first week of June we held our two camper orientations at a local elementary school; one for returning campers and one for new campers. This is where they signed up for their classes that they would take during the week of camp and were briefed on what to expect, bring, etc. Jessamine County had a total of 235 campers this year! The rest of this week we worked on fitting kids into cabins by grade, schools, and cabin requests. This was challenging but was similar to a giant logic puzzle so I found it to be really fun! We also went to North Central 4-H camp during this week to meet with the camp staff and camp manager to go over our camp schedule and requests we each had for the camping week. We were now ready to head to camp! But wait... State Teen Conference!
The next week of June was the Kentucky State Teen Conference. I had attended this conference for many years as a delegate and it was great to see a different side of it as an intern. Over the following weekend my supervisor Cathy & I met at Walmart around 8 one morning and did the last minute shopping trip for camp. Two full shopping carts later... NOW we were ready for camp.
June 15th-19th was our camping week. I have camped with Jessamine County for over half of my life and this camping program has always been very special to me and many others in my community. It was a great opportunity for me to see everything that goes into making camp happen and how to run a successful week of camp. We had quite a bit of rain but things kept moving and we still had safe and happy campers and that’s all that matters!
Through the everyday activities, programs, and community interactions that the support staff, program assistants, and agents provide, my favorite thing I have taken away so far is how important these County Extension Offices are. The support staff, program assistants, and agents truly work to bring a community closer and find the good where there could be bad. It makes me so happy to see how each person in this office cares for this community.

Aubrey Clark

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