Hello everybody! My name is Nichole Murdock and I am stationed here in my home of Breckinridge County. My first two weeks of work have been super busy to say the least, but so much fun. My supervisor is Carol Hinton, the ANR agent; however, I am the 4H intern. But during the time of applying, they were in the process of hiring a new 4H agent. She arrived on Wednesday! It was so nice to meet her and her name is Alex Bryant! I am working closely with bother agents now.
Alex Bryant, New 4H Agent |
Me |
My second week has not been as busy as my first week, but still had a lot to do. First thing was a few runs out to Tobacco Float beds, and a meeting with the Scale guy. Then we took Alex, our new 4H agent, out to Rickey’s to check out his business. He grows these huge beautiful peonies. And we learned how he does it. Apparently the secret is to plant the peonies, then for five years, never let them bloom. You should cut them and after them years the roots will be stable and you will get perfect peonies. He also sells them, and cuts them when they get to what is called to marshmallow stage and they will survive in the fridge for 6-8 weeks. And when you’re ready for them all you have to do is place them in a cup of warm water for 24 hours and they will open up perfectly. I never knew how much I like Horticulture. We don’t have a club in our county like that so I am thinking that maybe my project will be a Horticulture Day Camp of some sort, but I haven’t thought through it enough.
Later that week we had a reception to introduce Alex to coaches, and council members, and after that we had a 4H council meeting, mainly discussing the county fair, as it is coming very quickly. On any down time my second week, I made changes and typing up the fair schedule. It is very tedious in some cases. And to finish out my second week I went to the 4H Camp Planning meeting with the new 4H agent, Alex, and made sure our schedules were on track, and received camp shirts. Our theme this year is “Clover Dynasty”. I better start watching Duck Dynasty because I have no idea what it is about J The last thing we done this week was wash Hams. I never dealt with Hams before, so I was learning about the length of time you cure a ham and why you hang them up. I even got to wash a couple Hams. The kids and even the adults were super nice! And they made it easy on me!
Overall, I had a super busy couple weeks. One thing I didn’t mention was all the clubs I visited. I introduced myself and helped out anywhere they needed me. I have been a part of every club except livestock 10 years. So I am excited to learn more! Next week, will be all about making sure we have everything for camp, and I am so ready to go back. Alex, is nervous but I tell her she has a pro here, so she do great J I hope everyone is having as much fun as me and I cannot wait for more!
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