The fair started Monday when the other agents and I set up tables and easels to display all the 4-Her's projects on. Tuesday we checked in all the projects and had them judged. The real fun started Wednesday morning at about 7:30 when 40 chickens rolled up to the fair pavilion. Overall we had about 75 chickens in out poultry show, an albino turkey, 10 rabbits, and a duck that laid an egg on the spot!
Crittenden County also had a pet show on Wednesday. I think the pet show was a great way to get the kids that don't come from a rural background involved in the fair. Some of the awards I gave out were for longest tailed dog, most obedient dog, most unusual pet, and smallest pet. The participants loved showing off their pets and being a part of the fair, it was definitely a success.
We cleaned up the goat show after it was over and headed back to the exhibit hall to hand out sweepstakes awards. The sweepstakes award is for 4-Her's that have entered 12 items or animals in the fair. They receive a plaque with their name on it or a small plate with the year on it for their plaque they already won for sweepstakes.
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