Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The End of the Road!

It feels as if it was yesterday that I had started this twelve week adventure and now it is coming to the end of the road. Its funny how we get so accustomed to the road we travel that it becomes second nature then we slowly find ourselves embarking on a new a path. The last week here at the Breathitt County Office seems bitter sweet for I have made contacts and friendship that will last a lifetime. I have overcome obstacles that I never knew that I could face. While all along the way building my character and professional strength. Establishing my self as not just a intern but a professional body in our field of work.
To the people that I have worked side by side with I thank you all for such a rewarding summer. I have enjoyed the task of dealing with home sick children at camp. The challenge of properly caring for home gardeners Roses and Green Beans. While discovering how to kill multiflora rose in the pastures of Mr. Deaton cattle farm. The Understanding of the diversity of a Extensions office so called "job" has lead me to gain a passion for all people and their issues. It has lead me to believe that if you are in Extension its not a "job" but its a lifestyle.
In order to sort of sum up my summer and my project it taught me no matter the subject matter or the area of programming that you are in the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is a family. We all have a purpose to educate and demonstrate the proper way to handle everyday task for the public to be better aware of hazards, and be better at their crafts. In my project it taught me how to handle a program that would benefit the community I was serving. It also taught me what I could strengthen for my future career. In all I was a blessed individual to work with the outstanding people that I did and I thank everyone for the opportunity.

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